Automatic tilt analysis :: Tutorial

This tutorial

This document describes how to submit a job to the server. If you need to know more about the method, please read this paper.

Sample datasets

Download link: datasets.tar.gz

Unpacking the archive

Windows: use 7-zip or any other archiver.

Linux / Unix / OS X: use a text terminal and type the following commands:

cd directory_with_downloaded_file
tar -zpvxf dataset.tar.gz

Content of the archive

config.tiltweb – Job parameters
e2map.mrc – MRC map of E2 Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
stack1.mrc – Stack of 50 particles in vitreous ice
stack1.par – Orientation parameters for the stack 1 in Frealign format.
stack2.mrc – Stack of 50 particles collected with a 10° tilt of microscope cryo-holder

Loading the settings

Micrograph parameters (more details) can be entered manually or loaded from a previously saved settings file.

To load the parameters, click the “Load the previous settings” button:

and select the config.tiltweb file:

The parameters should appear in the main window:

Selecting input files

Select the model, stack and a parameters file from the unpacked archive:

Data transfer

Submitting the form will start the upload process:

After the transfer is completed, you will see the following page:

Good luck! Feel free to contact us if you encountered any problems.

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